Welcome Fáilte

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a very warm welcome to you as a new member of our club. We hope that this Welcome Pack will help you to get involved in the club from the beginning and ensure you enjoy your membership of Castleview Lawn Tennis Club to the full.

Where to start?

Irrespective of the standard at which you play, the best way to “put your toe in the water” is to join the regular “Social Tennis Night”. Make sure you join the members WhatsApp group to receive all the details. The idea is for new members to have an opportunity to play with other beginners/improvers and get a regular game as they find their feet. Watch out also for our fortnightly American Tournament on Fridays or Monday nights at 7.30pm. This is a night of fun tennis with an emphasis on bringing together new players with other players of all abilities. Details will be put out on Facebook and WhatsApp.

Getting Started- a few practical notes


Now that – hopefully – your appetite for the game has been whetted, you might like to get a bit of coaching. Coaching for both junior and adult players is available. For further details, talk to our Club Captain or Members’ Secretary.

Booking courts

On becoming a member, you will be added to our online court booking system, ClubManager. (www.clubmanager.ie) With ClubManager you can book or cancel a court at your leisure from the comfort of your own home. Once you join the Club, you will receive an email with your login details. If you have any questions regarding its use, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Competitive tennis

Later On…when you are really making progress, you may be tempted to try your hand at competitive tennis. The club caters for all levels of ability in the competitions which it organises. These competitions include the internal club championships which are held in the spring and autumn, our Interfirms competition and of course the September Open Week Tournament, apart from a number of Memorial Tournaments. There are also competitions almost every week in other clubs around the country and these can be entered online using Tennis Ireland’s tournament software. All players need to be registered with the Munster Branch Player Directory. Our Captain and Membership Secretary will help to get this arranged for you and will see to it that you are assigned the relevant grade.

Cardio tennis

Cardio Tennis is a fun group activity on Saturday afternoons. Taught by a highly-qualified coach, Patrick McGrath, it features drills to give players of all abilities an active high-energy workout. There are programmes and drills geared for players to get a great cardio workout while improving specific tennis skills. Many players find Cardio Tennis more fun than working out in a gym or other forms of exercise!

For the kids

To help the kids get started playing tennis, the club runs a very successful Junior Coaching Programme. In addition there are plenty of both fun and serious competitions organised for the junior players. Details are available from the Junior Committee or from the Club Captain/Secretary. The kids love these competitions because of the strong emphasis on fun and participation. In the summer the Club runs a Summer Tennis Camp for juniors and it is recommended as a great introduction for new junior members. They make friends as well as getting a taste for tennis. The Junior Committee also organises other fun stuff for the juniors throughout the year.


To help the kids get started playing tennis, the club runs a very successful Junior Coaching Programme. In addition there are plenty of both fun and serious competitions organised for the junior players. Details are available from the Junior Committee or from the Club Captain/Secretary. The kids love these competitions because of the strong emphasis on fun and participation. In the summer the Club runs a Summer Tennis Camp for juniors and it is recommended as a great introduction for new junior members. They make friends as well as getting a taste for tennis. The Junior Committee also organises other fun stuff for the juniors throughout the year.